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Old September 10th, 2003, 09:54 AM   #1
Battlestar Callisto
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Default BSG video game website...

A while ago I posted a thread asking about your reaction to the video game. The result seemed to be sllightly mixed, with some saying that it too closely resembles the new mini and would not be buying it and others saying that it holds true somewhat to the original and because Richard and Dirk have parts in it that it is worth buying.

THey have just released an official game website and if you think that this game pays homage to the original series, you're sadly mistaken. The opening narration for the game is almost verbatim from the mini. The concept of man creating the Cylons is intact from the mini, the shots of the vipers are exactly the ones used in the mini, the character name of "husker" Adama is the one used in the mini, the BSG title on the game box is exactly the one used in the mini, etc. etc.

You know where I'm going with this one. I think Richard and Dirk were duped or did not make an informed decision before they signed on to this one.

Again, I reiterate my position, this game is just a mini in disguise and I will not be buying it...
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