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Old August 26th, 2003, 07:34 PM   #1
Muff Daggy
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Join Date: May 2001
Location: Beaver Hollow, TN
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Stargate As Close as Far Can Be

I was thinking today, isn’t it better to be close to succeeding rather than far from it? Don’t we all want to be within eyeshot of our goals, even if we can’t quite reach them?

I thought so, till I realized something. I play the online lotto like many others and daily receive the disappointing results. I am lucky to get 1 out of 7, and every day is pretty much the same. Then it dawned on me. How would I feel if I got 6 out of 7? How awful I would feel!!! So close and yet so far!

You see, being so close to your goal and still missing it is so much more painful than missing it by a mile. Like studying for years to be a lawyer and taking out expensive loans only to miss passing the Bar by a fraction. Or bidding at an auction on the dream of a lifetime and missing it by mere dollars.

We were so close to having our beloved Battlestar Galactica back as it was. Yet being so close, and feeling it is now so far from what we remember, is tearing us apart, both as individuals and as a group. It is so hard to be this close to your dream and miss it still.

I never really believed I would win the lotto. But I truly thought I would see my beloved cast and theme again. It’s 6 out of 7 numbers, and I barely get a fraction of the payoff.

The closer I feel to my dreams, the farther they are away. I’m as close as far can be.

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