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Old July 18th, 2003, 03:10 PM   #13
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Originally posted by une
No, Nemesis was a bad movie. I say this because it failed, horribly, on every single level.

It wasn't a critical success at all. Out of 133 reviews at only 54 were good and even the good reviews were somewhat doubtful of the film.

It failed financially, making 97 million dollars in it's world wide gross. Sure it only cost 70 million to make, but once you add in the marketing and distribution costs, which would be at least another 25 mil, this film fails to break even. You can't blame it's failure on LOTR: TT either, it failed to even come in #1 on it's opening weekend. ST: N was beaten by Maid in Manhattan and then dropped to #8 in it's second week in theaters.

It was bad. Only a bad film could fail like that. A good film would have at least gotten good reviews.
Well, are you saying that to have a successful film it needs to be a "box office hit"??? In this you couldn't be more wrong even if you wanted to. Right now I can think of at least 10 films from the last 5 years which are totally awsome but also were not "box office hits". Money has NEVER been a way to measure how successful a film is.

One good example is the film "The Right Stuff" which was a BIG BOX OFFICE FAILURE in 1983. Nobody went to see that jewel of a movie, why?, who knows! And it didn't even come close to making what it cost to produce. In your way of thinking The Right Stuff was a failure too probably, a bad movie, and who knows what else.


It's not just because of Nemesis. The entire Star Trek franchise is on a downward spiral.

Enterprise's second season Nielson Ratings were only half of what they were in the first season and were on a gradual decline throughout the rest of the series.
Hmm, you sound like somebody who hasn't watch a single episode of Enterprise... just read about it in a web page; lol, about ratings probably.

No offense, its just that if the ratings are low now its because all the viewers in the US are turning the channel to see something like "Who wants to marry a millionaire", or "Survivor", or "Big Brother", or what ever those reality shows (lol, yeah right) are called now. Even a super "successful" show like CSI drop a few Nielsen points for the mentioned ones.

Again, what people watch or do not watch is no indicator of how good a TV show or movie is. Its not about art either: I don't remember but if memory doesn't fail all the 19th century painters died in poverty, almost the same for musicians... and I am talking about Van Gogh and Lizt to say a few. Haven't we learned something since the last 200 years?


That's why Activision is filing this lawsuit. They think believe that Paramount is running the Star Trek franchise into the ground, something a fair amount the fans agree with. It's not so much that it's hard to make a video game based off a prequel, Star Wars does it all the time, it's just that they can't properly sell a product based on something not popular.
In my humble opinion you, as well as Activision are wrong. Both of you can do and think what ever you prefer of course, the same goes for me.

Also if anybody is bringing the Star Trek franchise to the ground, that anybody is the US viewers of the series. In other countries I have read Enterprise is ranked way above other shows that in the US have better ratings.


Attack of the Clones got better critical reviews, better fan reaction, and it made significantly more money. How could the critical and financial failure that was Star Trek Nemesis, possibly be better than AOTC?
What a laugh, Attack of the Clowns is a very poor movie... no subject, just a bunch of eye candy special efects in very stupid sequences. Like that one where the Jedi's "go save the day"... the worse planned battle in the history of film making!!! Couldn't they plan it a little more, aren't they wise enough to at least do something more intelligent?

George Lucas is messing up big time with his movies, but if money is what he wants then he is very successful. I can watch the original Star Wars, or Empire Strike Back or Return of the Jedi over and over again... I don't ever get tired of watching those. But each time HBO is passing Attack of the Clowns I change channels; I only watched it twice, once in the Theater and once in the TV.

Nemesis, contrary to Attack of the Clowns, I can watch over and over again... similar to the LOTR movies, aparently they have more context and substance in them.

If you don't agree its ok I suppouse, but please in the name of humanity don't tell me you haven't watch any of these like I think you do.

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