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Old June 24th, 2014, 04:51 PM   #1
David Kerin
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Default The Toy I always wished for... but was never made.

It's cool seeing all these toys come out for the original Battlestar Galactica. The 12 inch figures, the Mego style, and the various ships, comics and what-nots over the recent years.

BUT... the one toy I always wanted there to be (and would buy in an instant today) would be a Viper to go with the (Star Wars size) action figures. And of course better action figures. I actually love the ones that were done for Buck Rogers, and they had the toy designs of the Marauder and Starfighter down really well. So why for Battlestar did we get those crappy small Mattel Vipers and Raiders? There was an entire market of Star Wars figures sweeping stores and we got those?!

Please, someone out there make one... and a Raider too (though it may have to hold only 1 Centurion, otherwise it'd be huge).

Other than that, if I had a wish list of toys, I'd add a nice detailed Blaster with functioning lights and sound... as they have done with the Star Trek phaser, communicator and tricorder.

What else did people want?
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