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Old April 26th, 2003, 10:44 PM   #1
Shuttle Pilot
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Default Ron Moore - Melrose Space?

Here is an old article I ran across which I found interesting to read:

From LOS ANGELES( 15 April 2002

Moore says the new "Battlestar Galactica" will function both as a miniseries and as a pilot for a proposed series. "I was a fan as a kid," he says. "I was right there in the '70s, watching along with everybody else. I remember everybody was talking about it."

Moore isn't doing a sequel, but instead is re-imagining the concept from the beginning. "I'm going to go back and retell the origin story, and that will form the basis of the miniseries. There will certainly be changes. I'm trying to just take a different approach to the material. I want to keep the underlying myth of the show, which is what makes people remember it, and update a lot of it."

"In the broadest strokes, I don't want to do 'Star Trek' and 'Star Wars' all over again. There's a certain style of filmmaking associated with those shows, which is a very romantic, glossy approach to science fiction, with big, lush, orchestral scores, etc."

"I've been wanting for a while to go in a different direction with film science fiction, and we're doing it with 'Galactica.' We're going to try to make it, for want of a better word, more real, a real place, down and dirty, with a sort of 'You are there' feel to it."

"It's going to be -- and this is a bad phrase -- a 'down to Earth' sort of place. It's going to be more about the people aboard the Galactica and the ragtag, fugitive fleet than it will be about aliens of the week, planets of the week or anything like that."
There's so much I'd like to say about this, but I might hold back my comments for a bit, except to say that it reads like he isn't interested in BSG except in its availability as a vehicle for the story he wants to write anyway. It's as if he would have written the same story (tailored a little to fit basic plot parameters) for any SF show he got a crack at.
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