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Old July 12th, 2013, 02:46 PM   #1
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Default Galactica Discovers Earth Redux

I have done a re-edit of Galactica Discovers Earth, but YouTube is blocking it.

I have actually submitted a Fair Use claim, stating that the edit was done for comment and criticism. We'll see if they accept it.

Much in the same vein as my Spaceball eit, this is what it is like:

For many fans of Battlestar Galactica, Galactica 1980 was a travesty. Made on a budget slightly less than a penny, and with a corporate directive to be "kid friendly", this show was doomed from the start.

But within the horror of Galactica 1980, each episode had a gem of a good idea within it. The only problem was that gem was wrapped in crap, surrounded by turd, and covered in hork.

The question I want to entertain is: Can these episodes be salvaged?

Inspired by the work of David Kerin (if you don't know who he is, you are no Battlestar Galactica fan), I have set about to re-edit Galactica 1980 to something more tolerable. I offer to you these for commentary and discussion. Let me know your thoughts.

For this first outing, we have Galactica Discovers Earth, the first episode of the 1980 series.

I have made the following changes:

- Inane dialogue reduced. Sorry, couldn't get it all. And I acknowledge the original series' nod to children via Boxey, so I did leave in some of the children-friendly sequences here as well.

- Dr. Zee zeroed out. There was simply no excuse for this character. It was a bit difficult to remove him, so let me know if it worked out.


I'll let you know if I win the copyright dispute.

Pearls of Wisdom - "Be holy, for I am holy." - God
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