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Old March 2nd, 2012, 10:32 PM   #87
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Default Re: Where Are The Fleets?

Twelve Battlestars sounds good, given the comparison with the U.S. Navy. We by law can have only 12 carriers in service at any one time. I must therfore disagree with Warmachine, since Battlestars, like our carriers, were never designed to work in isolation. Each is the centerpiece of a battlegroup, which would consist of the Colonial equivalent of cruisers, destroyers, possibly battleships, AWACS, and various other vessels, not to mention Viper patrols, all working in tandem to protect and harmonize ops with the Battlestar, and achieve the objective. When Cronus says he "commanded the Rycon and 600 fighting ships", he cannot have meant 600 large vessels, and that multiplied by 12 Colonies. The Rycon, her escort vessels, and hundreds of Vipers would make more sense. Battle fleets of such vast size, and numbers, would beggar the Colonies. The Cylons, of course, have no such problems, since I doubt they "pay" for anything.
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