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Old December 15th, 2011, 11:07 PM   #1174
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Default Re: Battlestar Galactica to the Big Screen?

Originally Posted by Apolloisall View Post
There's that word again... it confounds me. My Liberal friends say I go too Conservative, my Conservative friends say I'm a Liberal-

How about this view- the oppressive Colonial Regime, with its rigid social values & unbreakable & unquestionable military-based chain of command led to the destruction of the Colonies, and, in the pilot, only Apollo & Starbuck's stepping outside of that chain with Purple & Orange Squadrons saved what was left; therefore TOS Galactica was a cautionary tale of the dangers of the inevitable downfall of us all due to Conservative control of not only society, but it's inconclusively initiated military response (and lack of viable alternative solutions) to perceived and/or misjudged real and/or unreal aggression.

What a Lefty show that actually was.... I'm gonna burn my costume, my lasers, my Galactica, all my Vipers, my Joyride Cylon & Viper, my landing bay diorama, my Raider, my Son's Basestar, all my Galactica comics, books & photo novels....
Hey, don't forget the gold coins/cubits. OBVIOUSLY, a gold-standard economy, based on capitalistic greed, with the warmongering military-industrial complex makes sure the rich get richer, and the poor get pooer!
Populos stultus viris indignas honores saepe dat. -Horace
Fortuna est caeca. -Cicero
"You know the night before was a tough one when even the sound of the fizz hurts your head." -Mike Hammer.
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