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Old December 4th, 2011, 10:03 PM   #81
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Default Re: Where Are The Fleets?

Originally Posted by AlphaAce View Post
Indeed, the Cylons could only field a few basestars against the Colonials. I'm not so sure as to the argument that they are limited in basestars though. We are assuming that they are limited in their ability to produce basestars because of the force that wiped out the colonies; however, like I mentioned before they control a vast amount of territory and they had forces strung out across the galaxy while they were pursuing the rag tag fleet. That doesn't strike me as a force with a limited number of basestars. Granted, there isn't evidence to support my supposition that the Cylons regarded the colonials as a minor threat in comparison to other enemies; however, I don't think it is fair to assume that they can't produce a lot of basestars either.

The cylons are machines; therefore, I would argue that it is easier for them to produce fighters and basestars due to a more effective industrial base. That is an assumption on my part, but in several episodes we hear of a vast Cylon Empire.

Had the Cylons shifted sufficient BaseShips to Cimtar Sector to engage the Fleet, intel would have doubtless picked up on it. Having several of your enemy's top-of-the-line capital ships suddenly deploy to parts unknown right before a "peace conference" would get noticed, and raise immediate suspicions. But, a slow, bit by bit deployment of fighters, flying from refueling point to refueling point, and then the movement of a few tankers, over a period of sectons or sectars, might slip by unnoticed, while the BaseShips and their respective battle groups remain in "home waters". As each fighter squadron leaves, it is replaced by others. Again, slowly, bit-by-bit, so as to arouse no potential suspicions. By the time of the rendezvous, sufficient strength has been ammassed at Cimtar to, if not destroy all the Colonial ships, at least tie them down until the Colonies have been wiped out. Once the attack at Cimtar has begun, the BaseShips tasked for the attack jump into lightspeed, headed for the Colonies.
Make sense?
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