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Old February 12th, 2010, 05:31 PM   #22
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Default Re: BSG Fanfilms - why so few, if any?

Originally Posted by Warrior View Post
David Kerin had a wonderful idea a while back and did some CGI for it. It was NOT a prequel, nor was it on the big "G". But it was BSG universe for sure. What was it?

It was the story of some people that got left behind, refit a Colonial Mover into a mini battleship, and set out to catch up with the Fleet.

It had Vipers in it as well.

I can see a fan film made of that or something very similar.

Has anyone seen a bridge/interior of a Colonial Mover? Didn't think so. So any set building would be easy in that you are NOT tied down to a specific design.

Exterior shots? Use CGI. Plenty of good models to use.

The problem once again, is people for live action and people to create the CGI *in action*, not just creating models, but ANIMATING THEM in a high standard.

Want to go pure CGI? Then you need top of the line CHARACTER animators. And still need live people for voices.

This is DEFINATELY a doable idea. Even if you keep the action within the Rag Tag Fleet, you just start pickign storylines along the line of "Take the Celestra" maybe investigaing a black market, or organized crime. out of 220 ships, we've seen maybe 6 interiors? that leaves EVERYTHINg open there.

Other survivors trying to catch up with the Galactica, or even just Galactica (or Pegasus) patrols on other planets. This is where you can use other costumers (star Wars, Star Trek, etc). Use the more generic costumes and change them a bit. Plenty more people to use and you throw in a few Colonial Warriors here and there.
Strike Captain Edan
Blackstar Squadron

Classic fan, and die hard!
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