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Old December 3rd, 2009, 04:00 AM   #60
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Default Re: Battlestar Galactica: 14th Colony (Fan Film)

Originally Posted by Monodox View Post
As a fellow survivor of the 'Great War of Magellan' I agree with Titon's observations wholeheartedly, and I was only working on a very small part of the project

I have been involved with both the Star Wars and Star Trek fan film scenes in various forms over the last ten years and have seen some projects succeed and some fail. To paraphrase Mr Shakespeare, some projects seem to suffer from 'vaulting ambition that o'er leaps itself and falls upon the other side'. The seemingly overwhelming need to be the biggest and the best often blinds those in charge to their own limitations. And when the final result does not live up to the self generated hype, fans can be a fiercely critical bunch.

One project which proves that a small one man effort with a specific goal in mind and a good grasp of the resources at hand, can succeed is 'Star Trek: Aurora' - This gives me inspiration to try my hand at a few small projects and finally produce something to keep ernie90125 happy
The character work in this is pretty darn good for a one man effort.
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