Thread: ship of lights
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Old September 22nd, 2009, 03:13 PM   #21
Captain Chirri
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Default Re: ship of lights

Didn't they also say that he had to pay a price of their choosing for what he did to Apollo?

I don't think that has ever been addressed in any of the fics I've read, so how about we brainstorm for a bit?

I think they should have made him do a Fairy Godfather gig for a couple of hundred years/yahrens. You know, find worthy orphans throughout the universe with terrible parents/stepparents and help them out, without expecting them to worship/follow/pledge themselves to him afterward.

Or, to REALLY show him up, actually make him do a life as Cinderella, from birth to death, in the body of a woman, with no memories of his previous life. Being ordered around by her stepmother and two wretched stepsisters.

That'd make him/her appreciate love, hard work and thoughtfulness.

Or is that too intrinsically silly?
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