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Old August 17th, 2009, 12:18 AM   #496
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Default Re: Battlestar Galactica to the Big Screen?

Agreed Michael!

Funny how, Larson's got his "Star" on the Hollywood Walk Of Fame and Moore doesn't. But who out of the two of them, gets far more respect far as talking to executives in a boardroom meeting?


Hollywood and its ageism thing!

Yeah, everyone and their dog wanted a continuation 2001/02 but the 'suits' don't. you figure people who go work in the entertainment industry would realise despite what they do in order to produce TV/movies, isn't the same as what the audience actually really wants!

Yet, here we are on the outside not knowing about anything going on about these meetings, only waiting what to be told they're going to undertake and in what exact 'capacity' yet again.

They can do what they want Michael, but at the end of the day, its our "money" and my hands aren't going to open my wallet near any box office counter, if the movie going to be "pants". And bad 'word of mouth' about any terrible film always kills the potential blockbuster movies during Summer/Holiday seasons, regardless of its famous "title" or not, if studios aren't very careful how they go about it.

Like i said before, hope Singer's educating the 'suits' about how not to disappoint the fans/fanbase and the luring in of new fans and getting a whole new audience to see this movie, if they're smart enough to go about the production of this thing the right way, and do it justice from the get go!

I don't expect a 70's Galactica TV series, 2 hour movie continuation to wrap up the lingering effects and plotlines of events left off from "Hand Of God". But i expect Singer (and DeSanto *fingers crossed*) in his own way will pay respects to the old show and give us something new to care for though. But with strong enough TOS elements running throughout! And building all new BSG mythologies too.

Don't be a stranger Mike, we'll talk again.


Kneel before Zod!!!
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