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Old August 15th, 2009, 10:26 AM   #438
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Default Re: Battlestar Galactica to the Big Screen?

Mr Faries!!!

You sound so much like i use to with that postive statement about wanting a BSG movie! Welcome back, you've been sorely missed aorund here the most, same goes for you Jjrakman my good man! Maybe Raymar3rd around the corner too...

So this thumbs out for him just in case

Nice to know the old gang came out when news like this breaks.

Far as what Chris Pappass had to say about what the studio thinking?

Bun them!

Feh.... Nice to know studio execs will never get it, EVER, studios never want to give their audiences what they truly want. But of course some dickhead think he knows what i'm into rather than ask? Yeah and i suppose simply cos Star Wars and Star Trek were successful productions in their own right, that they alone represent "ALL OF" science fiction by themselves, right?!

(Sarcastic) Riiiiiiiiightttttttttttt!!!!!!!!!!!!

And what does that studio guy think of names like 'Macross/Robotech', 'Neon Genesis Evangelion', 'Battle Angel', and a ton of other names of productions quite possibly on the way in the next 5 or 6 years to come!

Hmmm. So unless your Peter Jackson, Steven Spielberg, or Francis Ford Coppola. You get treated like the late Rodney Dangerfield i.e. No Respect in hollywood. Yeah i guess making a movie is so easy huh. And basically before hand, if DeSanto ideas were bought and paid for, then did Ronald D Moore not retool the "Pre-existing" ideas off of somebody himself and not come up with his actual own concepts for 4 years.

Hence stolen or plagiarized off of another writer's/author's work! (duh!!!)

* Female President of the Colonies/12 tribes

* Turmoil in the fleet

* Cylon/Human Hybrids

* Updated Vipers

Hmmm, remember 2001's Singer/DeSanto beautiful incarnation planning all that out in its concepts and having all of that worked out, long before Sci-Fi's abomination *cough* er.. TV series attempt!

If DeSanto ideas were bought and paid for, then you still blatantly own him 'Paychecks' (With US dollar 'interest' Pre-Credit Crunch) for 4 seasons worth of altered/mutilated and switched around ideas then!

I could go on. Anyways nice seeing you back here Michael, god bless you!



Lee Goldberg hasn't changed has he? Still got a face most people would slap the *crap* out of!

Kneel before Zod!!!
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