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Old May 13th, 2009, 12:49 AM   #16
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Default Re: Star Trek XI. (Possible Spoilers)

Bryan, you got me thinking about something. For the first time in a long time with a Star Trek film or show, I wasn't all that focused on the costumes, sets, props, or gadgets in general. The story is what got me. That is saying something because I tend to focus on all those things more than I probably should! lol

In all fairness, TOS was my favorite incarnation of Star Trek (films included). It might be a completely different experience if your favorite series was The Next Generation or any of the following versions.

I avoided as much of the hype on this film as possible. Aside from a look at the costumes and the Enterprise I stayed completely clear of any information in order to come at it with a fresh mind. With the way things have been handled with so many of my other favorites I did have some trepidation, but no preconceived notions regarding the film. I knew people that were set to hate this six months before it ever hit a screen. I can identify. Nothing short of a miracle could get me to like Gino.

I'm happy to see it doing so well. Heck, I'm digging seeing Star Trek toy commercials on TV and kids running around playing Star Trek at work! I actually had a conversation about Star Trek with an eight year old today and I couldn't honestly tell you who was more excited! lol

Lt. Killian
Blackstar Squadron
"The Fighting Faithful"

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-Albert Einstein
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