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Old April 3rd, 2009, 11:22 AM   #6
Kester Pelagius
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Default Re: The Ten Best Science Fiction Series ever aired

Ten BEST series? That's a tough one, especially if you grade a series based on it's entire run. Many started strong (Stargate SG-1, Buck Rogers) but ended weak (Stargate SG-1, Buck Rogers).

My top picks in no particular order:

Firefly - Never had a chance to go downhill.
Farscape - Best Buck Rogers/Flash Gordon inspired series ever.
Battlestar Galactica TOS - Non-syndicated version.
Dr. Who - Especially the Tom Baker years.
Red Dwarf - Best UK SF farce series I've seen.
Banner/Crest of the Stars - It's an really good anime series.
Star Trek TOS - I can still watch reruns of this.
The Outer Limits - Best of the SF themed anthology series, IMO.
Babylon 5 - It had it's up and downs but overall very good.
LEXX - Most original SF series in a while.

I'd probably come up with a different list tomorrow. So I'll include a few honorable mentions as well:

Eureka - A surprisingly silly fun series.
Crusade - Possibly the best spin-off series ever. I loved the episode that did the X-Files homage.
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