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Old March 30th, 2009, 10:28 AM   #264
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Default Re: Clean joke of the day.

Two guys were walking down the street, One was destitute, The other was a guitarist as well.

Q - How do you make a guitarist's eyes light up?
A - Shine a flashlight in his ear.

Q - What's the difference between a guitar player and a bag of garbage?
A - The garbage gets taken out at least once a week.

Q - What type of fish makes your guitar sound better?
A - A tuner-fish.

Q - What's the difference between an extra large pizza and a guitarist?
A - None, they both can't feed a family of four.

Q - What do you get when you cross Yngwie with an octopus?
A - A guy that can play a Steve Vai transcription!
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