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Old March 24th, 2009, 08:14 AM   #109
Galactica's Princess
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Default Re: Costuming and Props Section

Originally Posted by monolith21 View Post
So it came to my attention yesterday while chatting here that a good deal of the fans who want costumes aren't aware of places like ASAP with tons of great info. I had just assumed for a long time that a lot of you go over there.

While this place seems to be a much better place to get people together, there is a lot of information to found by browsing the forums at ASAP or the RPF. Its a good place for those of you who want to jump right in! We'll be putting some of these resources together for the costuming group but getting people into uniforms is a biggie for the time being!

Ever read through a prop post and wonder what what the frack us gearheads are talking about? Here ya go!
The Battlestar sections are about half way down the page.
Registration only opens up a few times a year for the replica prop forum. If you do get in, play it cool around here. There are some pretty heavy hitters and they can be a bit stand offish if you ask questions without searching the forums. Still, there is a lot of good information and if you play by the rules you'll get along fine. More than most sites the new member rules or you can get zinged.
I'm going to bookmark those sites and take a closer look.
I always make it a point to read the new member rules.
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