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Old March 11th, 2009, 09:44 AM   #221
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Default Re: Battlestar Galactica to the Big Screen?

Originally Posted by Gemini1999
Generally speaking, a very large group of TOS fans that don't care for the show, aren't interesting in discussing it - except when Stallion's reviews show up doesn't seem like the best component to add to that mixture. Remember the days here at Fleets where we had discussion threads about both shows and how those discussions alway became battling grounds? Remember how we had to split the entire forum into two halves and even though there was that clear division, we still had the same problem?*

There are people that are a happy to discuss both shows, but there are larger groups of people devoted to the new show and to the old show separately. When I see what's going on in the Trek community in discussions over the upcoming film, I'm seeing exactly the same problem that we had back in 2003. There's a group of people that hate the new film, a group of people that love the new film and then there's a group of people that are willing to "wait and see", but in the end, will probably fall into either one of the first two groups after they see it.

*Then along came the Pegasus storyarc with its needless, worthless shock value intended rape scene that pissed off both crowd groups of fans alike, but supplied enough interest for those wanting it to be totally gritty, for that stupid reason alone!

And i need not go into, fleets responce of the airing of that episode at the time and what exactly became of the gap between old and new fans of BSG on colonial fleets afterwards?

While its worthless getting into needless squabbles over it now, i'd defend ones right to comment if something wasn't/isn't right and demands discussion over it whether it be, a movie or TV series of debated topics etc.

Kneel before Zod!!!
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