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Old March 5th, 2009, 11:53 AM   #168
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Default Re: Battlestar Galactica to the Big Screen?

Originally Posted by TwoBrainedCylon

Someday, everyone is going to have to accept, ... and I mean REALLY accept, that Ron got control of Galactica and turned it into something he thought was cool and which many of us hated. I believe that everyone will also have to accept that Battlestar Galactica is not going to return in the way that people desperately wish it would. I really wish I was wrong on that but I respect everyone way too much to pretend otherwise.

So, I wish that everyone would instead focus on enjoying Battlestar Galactica rather than fighting for it. I think we'd all enjoy our personal experiences a lot more and would enjoy how we interact as a group a lot more.

I don't know if that sounds sagely or stupid ... but sincerely, I don't think that's an unreasonable position.

Sad but true!

Far as other aspects of enjoying BSG go, perhaps a CFF petition and advertisment campaign in starting a big project along the lines of getting 'Battlestar Galactica Re-Mastered' and onto Blu-Ray would be a better angle to go for rather than go the painful; wanting of a big screen movie update etc.

I mean, beyond my love of DVD's, the format has rarely been tested to its fullest extent or ever used properly 100% of the time, in my opinion. My only proposal realistically, cos i'm very imaginative. Is to outline what such an undertaking either officially, by getting Universal to do it through a big movement, although very unlikely and extremely hard, given the amount of effort the 2003 DVD took before they were released. Or unofficially given the creative and satisfying fan based projects seen on various "fanedit" websites.

But i say that i, only took a real interest in this whole thing, cos of that thread inwhich Jjrakman wanted David Kerin to undertake the same/similar thing!

In my absense, i'm suprised the huge interest wasn't still here. I'm sorry if my personal problems in realation to my computer, phoneline connection and other issues, made you all think the project was off cos i wasn't around. But in responce to what you said eariler Sandy, yeah me too. Both you and i thought alog similar lines and while it was put off or delayed somewhat i haven't given up o it yet. You and i both know of such a projects pitfalls, and i've mulled over your pm's on-and-off for quite a while recently in regards to handling it right. Yours was WAY bigger than my way of going about it, but yeah, its got several ways of being produced in the long run.

While i and others have been creative in its ideas originally, i say if i wasn't able from a creative standpoint. Then i'd put my backing behind a CFF mass fan colaboration without it ever becoming a "monster" project thats too big for anybody to handle right. But my CFF request would be for it to be a Star Trek Remastered style project akin to DK's SE fan edits rather than the pilot documentary i envisioned.

It would be to get BSG onto Blu-Ray with many extras, if it were to be a big project. Contacting those people who work in the industy, Universal's video department and even working with Larson's people or talking to him and especially the original stars themselves at conventions etc, and see whether or not they'd go for it or could support the fans love for such an undertaking. Or for the BSG DVD project to be a documentary, if it were much smaller project like the Star Wars fan made; "Deleted Magic", "Buliding Empire" and "Returning To Jedi" if this was a far more feasible goal.

Anyways, thats all for now from me. Yeah, even if i got my wish and we had a big budget BSG movie i know it'll be different for the 78 series. But that dream like the poor sleeping giant who's in a coma from nefarious types meddling (TPTP), will kinda live a little longer when these news clips keep coming in, even if we've moved on somewhat.

Talk to you later people!

Kneel before Zod!!!
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