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Old March 5th, 2009, 04:26 AM   #162
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Default Re: Battlestar Galactica to the Big Screen?

Can't believe how far this site has gone.

When Darrell and i worked to get it up and running i never believed in a million years it wouild progress this far. Which in itself is a huge accomplishment. The people that are here today are a direct reflection to what we've always hoped and dreamed for.

Personally this announcement has "some" legs. What those feet will produce is not quite clear. I for one wish for Mister DeSanto's involvement but to this day that also isn't the clearest. It would have to be a totally different story considering the GINO has stolen a good portion of Tom's original story. Which to this day i know for a fact severly angers the man to no end. But again only he know's what's up with all that.

For all that is available today there shouldn't be any reason fan creation's cannot succeed. Sad thing is there seems to be the real life drama going on for everyone and all good intentions of starting and finishing projects get's ultimately lost in the shuffle of real life. God know's i've got more things in the fire than most and to this day i still haven't finished what i've set out to accomplish. But maybe, just maybe that's what keeps me going on some of it. I enjoy taking things to the next level. Like i've stated i'm a modelor by trade. I build things in cg and other's have the ability to make them snap to attention with there animating skills. But again recently i've taken up playing more in the layout section of my software. Just to see how far i can take that. We'll see.

I just wish now, that with the wealth of information available on the original miniatures at and, CG modellers would stop foisting bad CG recreations of them on us.
Although i agree with this Peter as much as i also agree with the statement these guys are trying and that's all i did when i started. Collecting this information over the years has been a very expensive and painful endevour. But again there is a reason there stuff doesn't quite look up to par. It's called impatience. Getting something "close" also pushes my product to the next level. I can tell you though when i see a model created by other's i can instantly tell if it's accurate or not. Some get very close but once i see perspective views i can tell instantly. This is one of the biggest things that keeps me going with mine. Accuracy. It's also a very painful downfall. Striving for accuracy has set me back so many years i doubt i'll be able to accomplish everything.

With that being said when i modeled the ships that show up in the new series they got inaccurate versions. There is details that are on those ships that were intentionally left off in order to keep the TOS the TOS. Just a nod to the original that did not belong in the new series.

But enough of that. The news of Larson once again has everyone buzzing and it may or may not happen. Sandy is correct. All the people i know directly involved with FX and such none have heard a whisper. To me that just doesn't make sense. Without the fans of the original the accuracy of the TOS is lost. Hence the word remake. If it's remade do they discount the original designs once again and make Galactica an unrecognized product? Where would that get you?

At least it's done one thing, brought a lot of you back and it's good to see you all again.

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