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Old March 4th, 2009, 09:51 PM   #158
Great Wise Guru
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Default Re: Battlestar Galactica to the Big Screen?

I agree, too - it's the friends we've made over the years and our mutual appreciation of the talent of those friends that make this continued association worthwhile. I consider many of you close friends, even family. The fact we all see similar things in an old TV show that we all loved - and perhaps may love again - is now just icing on that cake.

I've been reflecting the last week or two, since this rumor broke. I joined this community in 2003, as that script was being "leaked", and I joined the fight. I ate it up, being part of something larger than myself, and I spent time and money and energy fighting the good fight. But at the end of the day nothing I said or did made any difference, except help create buzz about something I never wanted.

We got burned. We got burned by people who wished us ill (or pretended to be interested in what we had to say), but we also got burned by our own naivete, we got burned by our lack of commitment, we got burned by an unfeeling and heartless industry.

Six years of one disappointment after another, one fight after another, wears on you. So even this eternal optimist is not holding his breath - although I will confess to a new smile on my face because if this rumor did nothing else, it brought some of our oldest and most absent friends back out into the open.

I'm older and wiser than I was when I jumped into BSG fandom with both feet. I know now that nothing we did then was effective or would be effective now. We tried too hard too fast, and got burned - and maybe burned out - in the effort.

So right now, our energy should be directed in less protesting or militant actions, but rather to bring us all together under the BSG banner, let our talents blend as much as they can. My hat is off to those who can create what has been created and what will be created in the future. This effort needs to be more in the direction of building our love of this universe and draw in the fans by the hundreds, rather than convincing some suit that all twelve of us would watch a BSG movie. That way, if there is a continuation or a reboot we can be supportive, or even if there isn't there is still the solid foundation of us fans who will be here regardless.

I think I'm going to get back to work on that next fanfic I've been writing, in fact....

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"...I aim to misbehave." Capt. Malcolm Reynolds, Serenity.

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