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Old March 4th, 2009, 03:19 PM   #145
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Default Re: Battlestar Galactica to the Big Screen?

BST, Malkyte, and Bryan,

This is a combined answer and a long-ass rant so I apologize. My response hits all three of your postings.

I meet Larson's news with a dispassionate shrug. I don't think it will ever happen because we've been down this road before. The words "Fooled me once" seem particularly relevant here. If Larson is reading this, then Glen, ... seriously, what did you expect after your previous bogus statements.

Universal says the rumor has no substance. A couple of sites claim this is because they don't want to compromise contract negotiations with actors, etc. and that has happened before on other films. Perhaps, but a broken clock is also correct twice a day. What I find telling is that no "insiders" are reacting to this at all. The usual suspects who would be contacted to do the VFX haven't whispered a peep. For as much as many of us aren't fond of GINO, if you were going to make a Galactica film using the ships in the fleet, where would you go to get your models? I'd think you'd be wanting to use your CG money as effectively as possible and that wouldn't include having new modelers rework the entire fleet when most of that is already done.

I believe Larson well knows where some fine models already exist. As best I've heard, none of those folks have been contacted.

Very few Sci-Fi projects are considered without some people I know whispering about it. Nothing on this one.

So, at best, I have to place this as an idea, not a funded project, ... same as six months ago, ... same as last year, same as 2003, and 2001, 1995, and on back.

If I'm wrong in this then so be it and I'd be happy to be proven wrong.

Even if I am, I don't think I'm wrong in that whatever this project turns out to be, its not going to be affected one way or another by anything we're doing as a fanbase. The last person who was swayed by this fanbase was Ron Moore and I think we can all agree that few of us made any efforts to guide him towards what we wanted. We can debate if that would have had any affect but as a group, we never made the attempt. How he acted is irrelevant for our side of that interaction. He was responsible for how he acted. We're responsible for how we did ... and are responsible for how we act in the future.

In that, I agree that any message anyone in this fanbase gives should be a positive one. My difference with most of the folks here is that I think it should be focused on how to best enjoy the existing situation. Since 2003, Battlestar Galactica has largely been defined for most on this board by a recurring example of what we don't like, what offends us, and what twists our jaw. The production team in GINO did their part by continually supplying us with material to complain about. In that, we were all participants in a mutally dependant circle.

Fleets is the lone place that opted out of that game and in that, I greatly commend the people running the place. If Fleets is only remembered for that, I think its reputation will go down as having stood up for something honorable and handling everyone in the best fashion possible. Given the nature of those complaining about this place, I can't say anyone here has much to fear.

Jon Rogers once said the future of Galactica is in the hands of the fans. I agree with that. I once wanted to coordinate fan efforts together to flow along some loose theme but I've abandoned that, partly because my concept probably was overly idealistic but also because this fanbase is its own worst enemy. If that deflates the enthusiasm of the members here, ... well, perhaps it should. Maybe by facing that, some good will occur.

I could ask those who wish things were better or different what they PERSONALLY have done to promote the Galactica theme. One idea is to wear costumes and raise awareness. That's a fine action. My only reservation was that people not do that with the concept that they will change the minds of fanboys who are dedicated to hating the original series or sway TPTB because that is akin to throwing yourself against a brick wall in the hopes that you can do it twice as hard the next time.

... but beyond that, what has anyone done? Don has created some fine models, ... and finished a few of them also. I think we've all enjoyed his work. The 14th Colony crowd jumpstarted a lagging CG artwork effort for a while and that was also commendable. Dave Kerin has done special edits that some have enjoyed. I kicked an occasionally peanut into the pile now and again. Somewhere around 2005 and earlier, there was some fan fiction being written.

Beyond that, ... do I hear crickets?

Keeping in mind, this is covering a SIX YEAR PERIOD.

... more crickets?

Malkyte asked why there wasn't any more Exodus Audio dramas. The plain answer is that nobody in my target audience seemed to give a damn. I got far, far more compliments from the GINO fanboys than I did from anyone in this fanbase. That was a several CD production and each hour took about 45 hours to write and produce. I could do it now in 1/3rd the time but back then, I was struggling with no equipment and learning as I went. It was a serious dedication in which a handful of us really put in some efforts to try to kickstart the fanbase.

The responses were equal to what I got when I released a single CG still that took about 2 hours to create. It was a minor blip on the fanbase radar and faded in about three days. On top of that, I got massacred over and over by the GINO fanboys and from my memory, not a single person from this fanbase bothered to do as much as make a single post defending my effort. It was a few of my "Internet rivals" who stepped up and spoke up for me saying that things were getting too harsh. I don't pretend that I need to be spoon-fed or pampered but present that because it did send a message as to just how much folks DIDN'T really care one way or another.

When I get asked "Why don't you do more?" my answer is "Where were you?" (That's not directed towards Malkyte who asked the question because I know where he was. He was ready to help, without reservations, and was willing to do all he could).

GINO - The Audio Production gets far, far better responses and only takes about 1/10th the time to produce. Plus, a Diane happily stepped up to help when I needed her. (Thanks!!! You were and still are terrific!!!)

Compare that to a more recent project. Most of you don't likely know that not too long ago, a small handful of us laid the groundwork to put together some DVDs as a sort of living documentary to Galactica. I was prepared to lay down $20,000 to make that happen in a way that it could be done right. The first step to doing this was to ask everyone to pool the stuff they had and send a copy to Dawg, ... a very simple request. If three people eventually did that, that's two more than I remember. We couldn't even get folks together well enough to send materials they have burned on backup DVDs or on their hard drives.

That's when I threw in the towel as far as doing anything for this fanbase.

I think I'm a pretty good judge of the effort it takes to complete projects these days. That's why I don't see the 14th Colony ever seeing the light of day. I say that sparingly because it became abundantly clear that I had issues with the concept behind that project but I think its obvious to anyone who has followed it for more than five minutes that the effort was mismatched between its goals and capabilities from the onset.

I compliment Jon Rogers in his drive to keep pushing that to completion. If he reads this, my only suggetion is that he scales the effort down to something that can be obtained in a reasonable time wiht the resources he has available.

As one who sorta threw the gauntlet down at his feet, I'd also like to be the first to say that we all understand just how challenging the effort was and there is nothing to be ashamed of in retooling the effort into something that is closer within reach.

... or not, as best fits where you guys want to go with it.

Which indirectly leads to why I am the "wet blanket" on this issue. I don't want to say that I'm "Done with Galactica" but honestly, I don't want to join your campaign. I don't want to worry about what anyone else thinks of a television series I like. I don't care what Ron Moore or David Eick or Glen Larson says about how just maybe, if the moon is half full and I eat the green M&Ms with three candles burning, there just might be a chance that a continuation might come my way.


Someday, everyone is going to have to accept, ... and I mean REALLY accept, that Ron got control of Galactica and turned it into something he thought was cool and which many of us hated. I believe that everyone will also have to accept that Battlestar Galactica is not going to return in the way that people desperately wish it would. I really wish I was wrong on that but I respect everyone way too much to pretend otherwise.

So, I wish that everyone would instead focus on enjoying Battlestar Galactica rather than fighting for it. I think we'd all enjoy our personal experiences a lot more and would enjoy how we interact as a group a lot more.

I don't know if that sounds sagely or stupid ... but sincerely, I don't think that's an unreasonable position.

I respect French maids for their minds.
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