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Old March 3rd, 2009, 06:26 PM   #133
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Default Re: Battlestar Galactica to the Big Screen?

Originally Posted by ernie90125 View Post
Someone posted an article about a fandom raising money for a LA area TV advert, I can't remember which group of fans did it, I'm sure someone knows, but its an interesting idea !!!!
We did something similar back in 2004.....a small group of people within the Colonial Fleets & ToK (then CA) solicited BSG fans to donate money to put a full page ad in both Daily Variety and Cinescape magazines, both are very high profile TV/Film industry magazines.

There was a goal of 10,000 dollars to be raised and if I remember correctly, meeting the goal was not too difficult. The money was raised, the ad was published and people took notice. There was positive publicity and some negative as well. Some were impressed that a group of fans could raise that much money for any cause, but there was criticism for raising so much money for a cause that didn't benefit anyone directly. I remember that was around the time of the Tsunami in Asia and the ads were published for a bit less than what was originally planned. The extra money was donated to the relief efforts after the disaster. In the end, money was raised for the ads and there was a rather sizable donation to a worthy charity as well. Talk about killing two birds with one stone!

You can search on the net and still find references to the fund raising effort, but the website for CFF has long since been taken down.

Ah....those were the glory days!

(oh, if you do a search for Colonial Fan Force on this forum, there are some threads dedicated to the subject - a nice bit of history there)

"When Commander Adama sees these, he's gonna go crazy!" - Col. Tigh - "Saga of a Star World"

"If you love long enough, wish hard enough, anything is possible" - From The Boy Who Could Fly
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