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Old February 22nd, 2009, 01:40 PM   #10
Capt. Lunaryn
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Default Re: Models I've Built

Okay, here we go.

This is my redo of the Hawkwind.
I was not pleased with the first build I did.
So I stripped it down and redid the model. I cleaned up the seams, and tried a new- to me- technique called pre-shading (basically painting areas darker before adding a base coat). I also added visible guns to it as well. They make the ship look better still. More "functional".
I also added more damage to her, as well as 'repaired areas' (Cleaner squares of hull plating).

The Backstory
This is the Colonial destroyer Hawkwind. She is one of the few Colonial navy ships that survived the destruction of the 12 Colonies by the Cylons. They had been scheduled to meet with the 24th Fleet (her designated Fleet, hence the yellow stripes) and patrol for anything untoward that might hinder the Peace Conference - any militant groups who didn't want the peace to occur and rabble such as that.

After a “Divine Accident” with their navigational computer caused them to be late to their rendezvous (many of her crew believe that it was the Lords of Kobol that were protecting them), they arrived to see that the fleet was virtually decimated. They fought off the remaining Raiders and destroyed two of their refueling ships that were nearby as well as a few transports. They received a few distress calls and soon they were able to rescue about 2000 personnel-out of 12,000-from the remains. Also rescued were six Vipers and their pilots. Unfortunately, two of those pilots died from their wounds. The Hawkwind heard a call from another battlestar that survived the genocide and was rendezvousing at Virgon. They met the Olympia, as well as the light battlestar Vuldex, and assisted them, plus 120 other civilian ships, with repairs and replenishment before leaving the Colonies in search of a new home.

She is shown here about 8 quatrons later (approximately 8 months). She has received some damage, and the most severe (actual hull penetrations) have been patched up. She now has six Vipers as her standard compliment as well as four shuttles. Though she has no Viper launch facilities, they take off from the main entrance. Not as fast as from a battlestar, but they are still used for support.

Here's a Beauty shot.
A closer shot.
Port Beauty.
Top Head.
Mid Section.
Aft Guns.
Landing Bay.
Bow Guns.
Mid Guns.
Lower AA Guns.
Engine section.
Starboard Aft.
And a Bridge Area shot.

I hope you like this. I am very pleased with how this one finally came out.

Namaste all
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