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Old August 11th, 2008, 03:47 AM   #70
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Default Re: For anyone born before the '80s

Originally Posted by martok2112 View Post
It takes a parent (preferably two if possible in this fracked up day and age) to raise a child....NOT a village.
I don't know....when I was kid all of us kids in the neighborhood were together from sun up to sun down. My best friends' mothers were like second mothers to me and my mom was their second mother too. If ANY of us did something bad, the nearest mother would take charge and march the offender off to their mom's house. Noone got upset because Mother A was picking on Mother B's kid or whatever. They all looked after us all and I don't think they ever got nervous about our where abouts if they knew we were over someone's playing or whatever. All the houses were open to all of us, no knocking required! My parents and their parents were always visiting each other...

When I see those "It takes a village" words, it makes me think of that sense of a village.

Anyways, looking back on it now, I had an AWESOME childhood. We played kickball, releive-e-o, hide and seek, wiffleball, baseball, basket ball, hockey...I think every sport really....we went to the park, signed up for summer activities and arts and crafts....on our own! He had tree forts out in the woods, played "army wars" against the kids on the *other* side of the block. There was even a scary cave we used to dare each other to go in! It was a freaking blast. Miss those days....
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