Thread: War Of The Gods
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Old November 10th, 2002, 06:40 PM   #2
Stablemaster, Livery Ship
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Hi Paul,
Hey, this was your thread, after all! Got this recently. Appreciated the heads up about the ship of lights. Yea, that would've made Stephen Bochco (sp.?) blush back in '79. Enjoyed it (the whole book, not just THAT scene) immensely. Liked the descriptions of the ship of lights and the effect of the experience on Sheba, Apollo and Starbuck.

Did not like the novelisation of Experiment in Terra: dialogue didn't sound like Starbuck or Apollo talking. Ick. Why do I feel like this is a prelude to the Ron Moore project. Argh. hope I am VERY wrong.

type at you later,
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