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Old January 29th, 2003, 11:59 PM   #1
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Thumbs up OT - "The Foresaken" (Space: 1999)

(The following may be a shameless plug for a book by a dear friend of mine, but the recommendation comes based on the quality of the product itself.)

Powys Media has released the second officially-licensed "Space: 1999" original novel, "The Foresaken" by John Kenneth Muir. ("Space: 1999" was a 1975-1977 U.K. science fiction series by Gerry & Sylvia Anderson/Fred Frieberger.)

Following on the release of the first novel, "Space: 1999 - Resurrection" by William Latham, which chronicles an untold adventure during season one (known by fans as "Year One"), "The Foresaken" reveals the unseen, untold story of what happened between Year One and Year Two. (Character changes, new directions.)

I have incredible praise and admiration for the skillful storytelling of the first book. It preserved the original series and injected new elements which complimented the old. The writing style was magnificent; the characterizations and chemistry between them were perfect.

The second book faced an equally daunting, almost Herculean task of standing tall in it's own right. In my opinion, Mr. Muir succeeded beyond my wildest dreams.

I judged the book on writing style, creativity, continuity, characterizations and the story itself. Friendship aside, I think I weighed things more strongly than I normally would, as I had expectation levels from this fan of that original science fiction series. I wondered if Mr. Latham's work on "Resurrection" could be matched, let alone surpassed.

He surpassed any and ALL expectations I had. The bar was high; he cleared it -- and set a new record in the process. Bravo, John. You did an *incredible* job. Truly.

The foreward by Prentiss Hancock (Paul Morrow) is a masterwork as well. One wonders if Mr. Hancock missed his calling as a writer; his profound words will strike chords within many "Space: 1999" fans and non-fans alike.

More information about "The Foresaken" can be found at:

The book is published by Powys Media, an independent publisher. (ISBN# 0-9677280-2-9) The cost is higher than mainstream paperback books, but exceptionally well-worth it. This release features two different covers, too. I paid for the cover with Moonbase Alpha, although I admit to liking the other cover as well (and may purchase it later).

(Note: "The Foresaken" was just released, although it has to be ordered directly from the publisher at present.)

Mr. Muir is known for his analytical guides to various television shows (with publisher McFarland Press), including "An Analytical Guide to Television's Battlestar Galactica." (Which Richard Hatch enjoys reading.) While some folks here have had issues with that book's content (such as the lack of interviews), I would ask that this new book is given your serious consideration. His writing style is very tight, very imaginative and truly excellent in staying close to the original "Space: 1999" series -- and adding new viewpoints about developments within that universe.


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