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Old December 13th, 2006, 03:16 PM   #36
Eric Paddon
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It seems like that everytime someone actually gets an opportunity to do an "official" TOS project, they come into it with all the prejudices about TOS that were shaped and defined by TOS detractors. As a result, they literally come into it with not a clue for what it is that made the series endure in popularity with its fans for so many years. Even Richard Hatch is guilty of this, because the fact that he wrote stories that showed not the slightest regard for looking back at what actually happened in the original episodes before proceeding with a new story, or not hiring a ghostwriter who could go back and check, reveals that even a guy like Hatch thinks fans actually don't pay attention to what went on in the series and only remember TOS through a fuzzy lens.

Max Press comics series started out great (the first two miniseries they did are IMO the best "official" TOS project that's ever been done) but the problem is they didn't realize that they needed to slow down and be low-key for a bit in between "big" stories, and they started to take a kitchen-sink approach of fitting in everything big they could, and then their last story they insulted the intellgence of the fans by basically "rebooting" the entire TOS universe in which everything else that had happened would, if they had continued, been cast aside.

Scalf's comics just didn't last long enough, but they were starting off okay and if *that* had been the kind of thing Dynamite was doing I'd be enthusiastic.

Regarding the assertion that if we don't buy this, we'll hurt TOS in the future, I just can't be swayed by that argument any longer. Dynmate is NEVER going to budge on this point. They insultingly said we had to produce 10,000 signatures on a petition just to prove there's *any* kind of interest in continuation stories, which was an impossible thing to ask of a fanbase that has signed more petitions then it cares to remember and is fed up with having to prove itself to people who have nothing but contempt for the property. They are going to go this route for years on-end, because if issues sell, they'll call that vindication for their own efforts. Frankly, if this fails and the comic rights to TOS go back into a limbo status I think that's better than what we're getting now.
"They hate us with every fiber of their being. We love....freedom, independence, the right to question. To them it is an alien way of living."-The non-myopic wisdom of Commander Adama, "Saga Of A Star World"

"How do you tell a Communist? Well, it's someone who reads Marx and Lenin. And how do you tell an anti-Communist? It's someone who understands Marx and Lenin."-Ronald Reagan
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