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Old November 22nd, 2006, 11:28 AM   #9
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Default Ok - my turn.....

Main Characters:

Commander Adama
Colonel Tigh

Supporting cast:

Doctor Wilker
Doctor Salik
The Council of the Twelve
The Civilians of the RTF


Imperious Leader
Anonymous Cylon Centurions (Old-style)
A new "Assault"-model Centurion

Special Guests (Season 1 only):

Commander Cain
Colonel Tolan

For the first season, I would mostly use the original scripts, although:

*"Magnificent Warriors" becomes a raid on a remote supply depot - complicated by a crashed ship with c.200 passengers, carrying a load of "Colonial Heritage" stuff: artwork, paintings, etc. Further complication: the Colonial artifacts were stolen by a group of thieves - who are still on the loose.

*The planet in "The Young Lords" is a religious retreat, populated by fanatical devoteè's of the Colonial's ancient war gods. They will assist Starbuck in escaping back to the RTF, but will refuse to let him take their children with him, so that they can continue the war against the Cylons "...until Adama returns."

*"Greetings From Earth" is a red herring: Michael and Sarah really are terrorists, sort of "Bonnie and Clyde Go To Space"; the children, unfortunately, think it's all just a game. Also unfortunately, the truth is not learned until the Enforcers are already on the Prison Barge.

*"Experiment In Terra" would be rewritten to be a little more realistic - John's people were on the verge of over-use in the original, and shouldn't be included as mere fluff; change it to a Western delegation. Adama has a powerful conflict, as the Terrans refuse to evacuate in the face of the Cylon threat, but also refuse to unify, even after the Gal stops the missile exchange. The ep closes with Adama admitting that he feels terrible about his choice - giving Colonial tech info to both sides, in the hope that one of them will be able to survive long enough to flee the Cylons.

**Baltar: Balter is in desperate need of a raison-d'-tour. Baltar becomes the High Priest of a radical offshoot of a relatively-benign sect that originally simply honored the dead. His sect - it literally is his - is based on a radical interpretation of an obscure tract in the Colonial 'Book of the Dead': they now believe that the Human race must be "purified by fire", and that the "unworthy" (meaning, about 90% of the known Human population) needs to die. Baltar's mistake was that, as Imperious Leader so kindly points out, he completely missed the entire point of the Cylon's war on Humanity: they want ALL Humans D-E-A-D--DEAD. Period.....This both explains Baltars compatriots sabotaging Colonial defenses, and his willingness to work with the Cylons later - he is completely schitzophrenic by then, swinging back and forth like a pendulum.


1. If I am the Producer, my FIRST step is to hire Michael J. Straczinski[sp?] as the executive producer - on the condition that he brings in his B5 SFX team. MJS will oversee all scripts (see #5).

2. Hire Stu Phillips - he's worth whatever he asks for.

3. REGULARIZE THE TECHNOLOGY - it makes absolutely ZERO difference "what" the technology is, so long as it is consistant within the show.

4. Find an "Okuda". That's one of the few things I like about Berma-Trek - Michael and Denise Okuda. Even though Berma-Trek blithely ignores them at nearly every turn, they are internally consistant, and prolific. Find an uber-geek (note that that is NOT used pejoratively), hand him the notes from #3, have him compile/write the bible/backstory and MAKE all writers conform to that, unless they get approval otherwise.

5. Hire the VS2 crew to write the scripts. I doubt they'd have any issues being overseen by MJS, plus, they already have a consistant 2nd Season more than half done.

6. Make SURE to have a full suite of merchandise ready to go: Paper-n-Pencil RPG, arcade game[s], online MMORPG's, novelizations for a minimum of two seasons in outline form, at least (and preferably three to five ready for the publisher at air-time), Stickers, patches, CCG, boardgame[s], wallpapes, mouse-pads, "java" mugs, clothing...the lot.
The WarMachine
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