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Old July 9th, 2006, 08:50 AM   #2
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Yo Martok, how ya been doing?

DETAILS: First, allow me to express my disappointment with the crowd with which I saw this film. After a teaser trailer of Transformers, practically the whole theatre erupted in derisive laughter. Hopefully, a more detailed trailer might bring a few more oohs and ahhs instead of BWAH HA HAAAS!

Yeah heard and argued this on other boards. Saw the TF trailer last week at the London Comic Con convention. Was fine there and even drew out some conversations with people, guess in a cinema though people feel the need to act childish? Even a bad trailer doesn't usually draw Bwah ha ha's but moans instead. Hasn't Michael Bay and others already said that its merely an introduction to the CGI thats gonna be used and that all the "Mars probe" stuff won't be in the actual Transformers movie? Technically it isn't even the real teaser trailer for the movie in the first place.

Not good. But then again thats today's generation for you. They think thay know all about films. They hype them up but when they are released, they 'kack' on them practically. POTC2 might start of stong but i'm sure Superman's not a dead duck yet. It's yet to be released in other countries besides England far as i know cos of the World Cup tournament.

But blame Warners for wimping out here, don't know why they think a World Cup would stop people from seeing Superman but they held back and its costing them. Columbia/Sony didn't wimp out 4 years ago and released the first Spider-Man during the summer when the 2002 World Cup kicked off during late May and early June (take it from one who was there o.k. ) so whats Warners beef with the same scenario here?

Beats the you know what out of me, but its a stupid decision which is obviously costing them alot more money now.

I hope to see 'Pirates' during next week before Superman Returns comes out here, but first off i want to catch the first flick again on satellite just to get into the feel of things. I know hollywood's once again gone and filmed two films back to back, so i'll be expecting an A-usual "cliffhanger" at the end anyways. But is POTC2 any good far as sequels go?

I hope to find out for myself early this week!

Kneel before Zod!!!
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