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Old March 3rd, 2003, 12:20 PM   #38
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So dispite the stock footage used in the series, there was more larson never allowed due to it being of Colla's version of the pilot? "FRAK Felgercarb and Hades Hole" (heh heh) wish all this would be revealed if they do the DVD's some justice! Only then would all this be resolved? if only.

Other than the Battlestars at Cimtar, what did Colla have planned for the destruction of the 12 colonies? According to Stu Phillips there was more destruction along with more suffering of the colonists on the "Rag Tag" ships of the fleet during the exodus!

So rather than Larson's destroy just Caprica in both the Tv and movie versions we were originally going to see more planets of the 12 colonies destroyed during the Cylon attack as well as a huge Battlestar fleet. Boy Richard A. Colla really did have an epic view of the Battlestar Galactica Universe huh. According to the novels the ships that escaped with the Galactica number in the thousands not 220 ships in the series, but 22.000 thousand ships i believe.

For the record the Battlestars at Cimtar as follows

- Battlestar Atlantia

- Battlestar Galactica

- Battlestar Acropolis (mentioned)

- Battlestar Triton (mentioned)

- Battlestar Pacifica (mentioned)

Others mentioned during the series are, The Battlestars Rykon and Columbia

Richard Colla's other Battlestars could be the ones brought up in various novels which the names of them have floated around from the production offices at the time.

Cerberus, Prometheus, Olympia, Solaria and Bellerophon!

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