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Old May 16th, 2006, 06:49 PM   #12
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Originally Posted by spcglider
That's because, chronologically, The Banana Splits came BEFORE Pufnstuf. In fact the B.S. were the impetus for the creation of Pufnstuf.

The Kroffts actually made the B.S. costumes for Hanna Barbera. They watched them walk out the door and thought to themselves, "They're gonna make a TON of money."

Then they were approached by a network to do a children's show. They made Pufnstuf. And they lost money every show they produced. That's why there are only 17 episodes of Pufnstuf. Another connection with Galactica. The motion picture version of Puf was released by UNIVERSAL.

-G (who knows his Krofftian lore)
Didn't realize that about Pufnstuf/Banana Splits. I new they came out around the same era but was uncertain which was chronologically first. (as he dusts off his memory cells.) I was but a wee lad back then and remember enjoying both. But I digress. Thanx for the Krofftian refresher.

Back on topic. I am also in agreement with julix about BG standing the test of time. I was 15 when BG first aired. I can still recall sitting in my living room glued to the TV set sitting in my beanbag chair (opps...hope that's not too 70's! ). I had this sense that I was witnessing something special. Just recently, I popped in my DVD set of the original pilot episode Saga of a Starworld and got that same feeling.

spcglider, you mentioned a Space Legend, I agree. One might even consider calling it a Space Epic. The story itself has a sense of grandeur about it like a futuristic mythology. Kinda gives ya goosebumps. Also, about those "who look back and criticize in hindsight" is easy and unfair but I think has to do also with a selective memory. Some equate a certain thing with a given era simply because of the era it came out in and it's considered less relevent to them. I have a friend who thought BG was awesome back then yet now considers it campy. Go figure.
With Respects,


"You're gonna need a bigger boat..." Chief Brody - Jaws
"Kind of a bummer gettin' your butt kicked by a dead guy" - Col. T.C. McQueen, S:AaB-(Ray Butts)
"A kind word and a 2-by-4 is better than just a kind word" - Marcus Cole, Babylon 5
"WIVES...uh...aren't we getting a little ahead of ourselves?" Starbuck - Living Legend
"Every creature in the Universe is out to exterminate us and YOU want to hire a vocal group." Boomer - Saga of a Starworld
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