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Old May 15th, 2006, 08:55 PM   #4
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Originally Posted by JLHurley
"With its compelling storyline, memorable characters and exciting visual effects, millions of fans tuned in every week to join Commander Adama, Apollo, Starbuck and the crew of the Galactica on their journey through the galaxy. Hunted by the diabolical Cylons, a mechanical race set out to destroy all humans, the crew of the Galactica and its ragtag fleet of survivors’ only hope was to find legendary planet Earth—believed to be the home of the missing Thirteenth Colony of Man.
JL -

That's how I choose to remember TOS. That's how I remember it back then as well. I never looked at TOS as a "guilty pleasure". It was family entertainment in a SciFi setting. The way it's described at times, you'd think that they were describing a 70's version of Lost In Space (which I also love, but now that's CAMPY). Every TV series has it's good and bad moments, but it's the good ones that really stick in my memory.

I remember all the hubbub at conventions over BSG, I remember people making their own costumes, making their own blasters, holsters and whatnot. I remember people lined up at the theater to see the edited down pilot episode at their local theater the summer that BSG was cancelled. It was just as much fun as standing in line for Star Wars, and I'd already seen "Saga" on TV.

I remember collecting the Mattel BSG toys (even though they looked nothing like what was in the TV series) and riding my moped 15 miles to the nearest hobby shop that had the Monogram models so I could take them home to build them.

Stu Phillips' soundtrack was so memorable - memorable enough for me to buy it in all forms it came in: 8-track tapes (remember those?), album and cassette tape ( remember those? They were new then!). I still never tire of listening to it.

The original Battlestar Galactica is still remembered by many and has even more merchandising (and better merchandising) that was available when the show was in production.

People can say whatever they want about BSG, good or bad, but it will never change how I remember it, or how I feel about it now. BSG has a permanent place in my life - after almost 28 years, I don't know how to stop!

"When Commander Adama sees these, he's gonna go crazy!" - Col. Tigh - "Saga of a Star World"

"If you love long enough, wish hard enough, anything is possible" - From The Boy Who Could Fly
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