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Old April 13th, 2006, 05:02 PM   #132
Colonial Story Teller
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Originally Posted by Tabitha
I used to like *It* more than peanut butter and jelly. I posted raves about it, but I changed my mind. So am I to be marginalized too? Is that how it goes? If we think one way, but then have a change of heart and stand for what we believe is the right thing, does that mean we lose credibility?

This statement sums it up beautifully, Tabbi. People have a right to change their minds And you're right. I've seen it on both sides of the fence.

"I used to be a hardcore TOS fan, but now, after I've watched a few eps of the new show, I'm like ....'what 70's show?' And people on the TOS side vilefy me for it."

"I really used to enjoy TNS until it took a wrong turn, and now I'm giving TOS a chance. And the fans of TNS think I'm the worst kind of scum now."

Sad state of affairs in fandom. But, it's always been the way. Fans are fickle. Fans are "fanatics", which means a near blind-adherence to the nature and merits of their favorite properties.

I really wanted to avoid this, but it must be said:

TOS fans love the original show, and pretty much support each other when the chips are down. However, many think that if you're a fan of the new're more of a mindless sycophant. That is MOST insulting....and I know those who harbor such sentiments don't have the huevos to say such things to my face.

To them, we are GINOids, sycophants, stealth marketers, supporters of baby-killing, rape, masturbation on TV, and other amoral acts.....pretty much anything except a fan of a show called Battlestar Galactica. Again, condescending, and insulting. They refuse to understand.

Truth be told, we all as fans of shows called Battlestar Galactica could be considered supporters of the worst kind of crime, if you wanna be fair about it:

Titon, as far as BSG being a life-altering/affecting a certain degree I can agree with you on your point of view. Where I speak of is that the property of Battlestar Galactica is something we can just as easily live without.

Yes, we love discussing the shows....sometimes ad nauseam....but I don't know if that truly qualifies as a life altering/affecting experience. When I think life altering/affecting experience, I think: "I used to be the worst kind of person in the world, but now, after watching Battlestar Galactica, I turned my life around, and now I am a highly respected lawyer in New York."

That is why I don't put as much reverence into either show. Respect, yes. But I cannot afford to put either show so high on a pedestal. BSG (the property as a whole) did nothing for me except give me some entertainment when the shows are on. Yes, I might be writing fanfiction for a labor of love....but otherwise, I go on about me normal routine.

Sorry, need to go to gig.
Catchall later.
Don't be a fan. Don't be a victim!-Martok2112
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