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Old April 7th, 2006, 08:32 AM   #25
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I couldn't stand it. I had to go back and rework the first track and the first half of the second track. I was never really happy with the first track and the narration on the first half of the second CD sounded like I was recording underwater. While I was at it, I adjusted the sound levels on all of the other tracks.

In other words, Exodus Episode 1 has been completely reworked. Its a completely different version than its previous incarnation. The end battle has a significantly different feel to it. For those who are keeping the series, you likely want to redownload all of the files. For those who are only getting the story once, don't bother, unless you want to hear how the first track has been revamped.

For the bandwidth challenged, if you're happy with the tracks you have, I'd only download the first two.

They can all be grabbed from here:

Sorry for the bumps. I've got the sound thing down now and doubt we'll see this sort of thing in the future.

FWIW, I'm working away on Episode 2.

I respect French maids for their minds.
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