Thread: Requiem; A Play
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Old February 19th, 2006, 04:17 PM   #2
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Default Requiem; A Play

Act 1; Scene 4

Setting; Hillside on the planet Murado.

[Note to set dresser]

Use a backdrop; either a scene of a petroleum refinery, or an open pit mine. The rest of the stage(camera shot) is bare, (except for a Cylon vehicle if you can arrange it)

[Note to the director]

Once again you can use whatever Cylon extras you need to dress out the stage. These are armed with rifles. There are ^clones^(obviously humanoid) which are workers. These march across the stage at irregular intervals carrying tools. The indication should be that these clones are the worker ants to a tylium ore processing factory-hive.

Gold Cylon# 1(Leoben); Report.

Cylon 2; The Colonial drone approached within one tenth of a second before we attained a fire solution. It is certain that we were detected.

Gold Cylon #1(Leoben); Did you send off the contact report?

Cylon 2; Yes.

Gold Cylon #1(Leoben); Are you certain that our own preparations are complete?

Cylon 2: Yes. As instructed, solonite charges are set in the tylium dumps. Query?

Gold Cylon #1(Leoben); Proceed.

Cylon 2; Why do we risk the destruction of so much valuable refined fuel? We have this world heavily defended, thanks to the Human traitor, Ravidge. The Colonials cannot possibly risk a full-fledged assault upon this place. Our guns outrange theirs and they dare not risk destabilizing so much dark matter. The explosion would destroy everything within this star system. It is not logical.

Gold Cylon #1(Leoben); Humans do not deal in logic. They deal in need. We exploit this. The traitor, Ravidge, needed us to build his particle projector; so that he could satisfy his curiousity; concerning why top spin quarks wobble while bottom spin quarks do not. The Colonials of the Pegasus fleet, now, need fuel. So they will ignore the immutable logic of their situation, which is to submit to us and hope for survival. They act instead, in defiance, on their need.

Cylon 2; How long do you intend to allow the traitor, Ravidge, to live?

Gold Cylon #1(Leoben); Until I get Pegasus.


Act 1 Scene 5

Setting; Wardroom aboard the Pegasus

[Note to set dresser]

Use the set that you dressed for Cain's quarters. Change the wall hangings and the furniture. You should have a conference table rigged up like the navigation plotter you used on the Phoenix's bridge set. Likewise there should be the Plexiglass plot in the back of the set(camera shot) to provide a en camera aid to the audience(camera POV) as to what Cain's merry band of pirates scheme to do to the Cylons.]

[Note to the director]

Block this scene, and subsequent scenes, carefully; so that the actors don't foul each other as they move to scribble on the plexiglass. Make sure that the actors write large enough and bold enough, so that the action planned is clear enough to show the audience what is going on in the play as it progresses.

Cain speaks(Sitting at the head of the table) looks down the into tabletop as if the admiral is peering into a well of space.); Its a blue-white A class star. The tylium is on the fourth planet. That planet has the thickest belt of gun satellites I've ever seen. And we need that fuel. I'm open to suggestions, gentlemen?

Crabbe; We've wargamed a standard assault, Sir. It doesn't work. Even if we jump in on top of them, a dozen of those gunsats will skewer us like a Geminese magician doing a sword trick.

Cain; Well, Mister, what do you suggest?

Gottlieb(interrupting) These gunsats may be Colonial particle beam weapon platforms, but the layout is Cylon. Three distinct discrete layers, like an onion. If that is Cylon true, then, I bet my school key, that it is a Cylon control logic governing the defense. They will have a central command..........

Harriman; So what are you suggesting, Doc?

Crabbe; With respect, Sir, he's suggesting that we take the command center, and thereby knock out the satellite system.

Galen(Looking at John ^Hacksaw^ Johnson); A commando raid?

Johnson(Obviously annoyed at the CAG); Its possible. I have to assume that the raid party is expendable, so it will be a volunteer mission.

Johnson goes over to the plexiglass plot screen and he puts up a transparency of the tylium planet that he picks up from the conference table. He marks an X on the transparency.

Johnson; That is where the Artemus probe RDFed the most transmissions from the planet. So that is where I expect the tin heads put their command bunker. Idiots don't disperse. Here is where the tylium dumps are.(He draws this) Guarantee that they are mined. So we have to sneak in and knock out two objectives; the satellite command and the detonation master control.(He draws this on the planet map.) .

Cain; Very well. Mister Johnson, you will handle the planet-side details. Tyrol, I expect you to find a way to get that raid party in. If we can defuse the Cylon mines and turn off the satellites , we can close-orbit the planet with the Artemus and rail-gun the toasters dirtside from altitude. Kinetics. We get the fuel......

Gottlieb; and those lovely particle projectors.......

Cain; My thoughts exactly.....


End of Act 1
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