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Old February 18th, 2006, 09:00 PM   #5
Bijou88's Avatar
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I see your point of view. "Beneath" did introduce the mutant telepaths. In that movie we also learn Taylor and Nova's final fate. While I think the original Planet of the Apes was the best of the series, the other installments have their charms and virtures. I think they did a decent job storywise considering they painted themselves into a corner a few times. I am a continutiy freak. I think this comes from growing up watching POTA movies. When I first realized that the movies had a timeline and was pretty internally consistant, I was hooked. While the later movies were a little threadbare in the production values, they are enjoyable as parts of the greater POTA tapestry. The new comics are welcomed by me because they add to the saga as a whole.
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