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Old February 10th, 2006, 05:03 AM   #17
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Firstly, no offence was intended towards my fellow Fleets members. But I have to be honest and say I'm a bit upset.

When I first voiced the idea of starting a website, everybody posted or PM'ed their support and encouragement. A number of promises were made of submissions. I spent many many hours teaching myself Dreamweaver and produced a site.

It got the attention of some of the original cast. And the hit numbers were looking great. I thought it could be a real tool in the encouragment of supporting a Continuation. I thought, proudly, that I had made something really special. Something that could contribute to our cause. I eagerly awaited the next chance to make updates and keep my baby running, and show the fanbase's continued creative push for a Continuation.

I waited. And waited. And waited. Out of desperation I updated with 3 clips that aren't even fanfilms....when the hit rates started to drop off. Only Sandy and Al have delivered, although they were doing so anyway with or without my site's existance.(Epics page update due soon)

Perhaps this hurts more as I am experiencing the same thing twice at the same moment, with the failure of my business's first product, again due to a lack of support from those who initially promised it. Livelhood and Hobby slowed to a standstill both for the same reasons.

Once again, I know some people are involved in other BSG endevours, and one such person has been very supportive to understanding my position through PM.

But I am very disappointed that those who can, often don't respond to polite messages, or just don't seem to be willing to doing anything with their stuff, even though it mostly exists or is nearly finished. I know other people have families/work, but my main issue is, and the direct answer to your questions is :

I do not think that CGI is an 'easy task'. But making promises that aren't then kept seems to be.
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