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Old January 14th, 2006, 09:22 AM   #290
Warrior Ace
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Location: N.Little Rock,Ark
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New Painting Pic!!

Here's what I have done thus far for detailing the models various paint tones. Added multiple parts of dark gull grey, light grey, and white. On some panels, specifically the two laser torpedoes on either side of cockpit, a slight tint of chameleon pearlecsent was added to give it a different kind of metallic look. But don't over do it with this, as you only want it to appear reflecting color, not solid. Then I slightly tinted italian red, (all colors by the way are still modelmaster acryl) with a little yellow, then began marking my lines and hand painted (very thinly) the orangish-red stripes. Then have begun slight weathering on panels and engine section of viper. But she's no where NEAR DONE!
Starbuck from Lost Planet of the Gods ( " I like the way you have'nt gone overboard on furniture.")
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