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Old January 13th, 2006, 05:14 PM   #104
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Default Probable Number of Strike craft on the Galactica

Good point on the fighter compliment.

However, I forgot to mention the most glaring design flaw in the Star Destroyer.

If you follow those sweeping lines of that graceful arrowhead design to the aft section of the Star Destroyer, you notice her upperworks. Some brilliant engineer put her C in C section right over her power section and stuck up there like a billboard with a bullseye!

Now, lets assume that the Galactica has at least 2 squadrens of strike ships. Each ship armed with two missle style torpedos. I suspect that the Colonies used total conversion warheads, so we are looking at each warhead having a few megatons.

So, if I were staging the strike, I would have the ships launch at range, with the attack/bombers given priority targeting to the command and control section. The destruction of the upperworks of the Star Destroyer would leave the ship crippled.

Now, the only draw back is that from what I have seen of Imperial tactics, Star Destroyers operate in pairs.

I should never have read this! I now have to find someway to simulate a combat exchange between the Galactica and a pair of Star Destroyers.

Last edited by Bacho; January 13th, 2006 at 05:17 PM.. Reason: Because now I have a major problem
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