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Old November 16th, 2005, 04:21 AM   #191
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Default disappointed in this season

A coworker and I have been disappointed in the second season of Lost, and I am wondering if we are the only ones who feel that way.
1. The show debuted 14 months ago, and only 48 days have passed?! How slow can you get?!
2. The writers keep killing off the original characters, and introducing new ones. How many people live on this island, anyway?!
3. Except for Bernard, I hate the new characters.
4. I still want to know about the extra 30 or so people--the ones who live with the original 15 characters yet never get any attention. The original 15 or so all have some "pasts" and never talk to each other about things they've learned because they don't trust anyone. I am wondering if the additional 30 people have had normal lives and talk to each other.
5. The writers keep adding new mysteries, yet don't solve the old ones.
6. I don't care about "clues," numbers, the Dharma Inititative (I keep wondering if there's a Greg Inititative) or the main characters' various psychoses. I just want the story to move forward!
P.S. I think Lost's problems are part of the reason I've gotten attached to Surface. At least that story is moving along.
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