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Old October 25th, 2005, 03:41 PM   #40
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Originally Posted by ernie90125
dilbertman....I don't know how you know Tom, but he sounds like a very kind man....

Without blowing my own trumpet, I'm in a similar position with fellow fans of my favourite rock band, as now I work with some of the band. I just considered myself an oridinary average fan, who got to work his dream job. Now I've got fellow fans patting me on the back for talking to them. To me it was just the natural thing to would seem Tom is like of us and willing to listen.

It is so sad when 'celebs' place themselves above other humans.....cos when it comes to it, that's all we are - human.

I wonder if Tom will do a thread a bit like the Aaron thread - and just drop in once in a while when he has time ? Please will you suggest it ?
Will pass along the idea of a thread like Aaron did to Tom, but if he does do it, it would more then likey happen after he's done with Transformers. Tom's a fan just like the rest of us, just he's taken it to the next level.

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Traditionalist - Some people "GET IT"!, Some don't! I "GET IT"! Do you?
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