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Old October 18th, 2005, 08:33 AM   #9
Warrior Ace
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I made my costumes and it was a royal pain. There are no patterns out there and I had to wing it. For the jacket, you can actually modify a demin jacket pattern pretty easily, if you know how to sew.

There is a great source for the braid, patches, hosters, and pins on ebay. I was even able to get the necklaces for my capes and the glove patches from her. She will also make costumes but I hear it will cost you. I have seen her work though and it is AMAZING! I will try to dig up her store ID and post it.

I managed to pick up decent fabric two years ago that is so close that unless you really know BSG, you would say it is the right stuff. This is about the right time of year to find the colors.
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