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Old October 12th, 2005, 07:55 AM   #13
Centurion Draco
Equal rights for Cylons!
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An ISD seems pretty much a match for a Base Star IMHO (were the ISD simply packed for space combat and not carrying lots of ATs/ground troops). They both have large amounts of fixed guns, the both have heavy 'ship killer' weapons, both have energy shields, and a large compliment of fighters capable of various roles, and of varying 'spec'.
Std TIE's Vs Std Raiders: Raiders win by a mile.
Advanced TIE's Vs Advanced (leader) Raiders: Draw.
Overall I think things would even themselves out really between the two ships at full strength. The ISD without fighters possibly has the edge, but with fighters the Base Star would easily counter that advantage, so I go for a draw.

Battlestar Vs ISD.
Well, a Battlestar is more than a match for one Base Star, and even two are not 'assured victory', so I think a 'fresh' Battlestar with a full compliment of Vipers would pulverise an ISD.

Viper Vs X-Wing. This would be an interesting battle. Both are super fast, shielded and heavily armed.

Landram Vs AT-AT Ooops Landram gets trodden on.
Landram Vs AT-ST: Draw

Troopers Vs Cylons: Both use the same tactics, both would take vast casualties. Cylons would have a tiny edge I think.
Troopers Vs Colonials: Warriors obliterate Troopers.
Jedi Vs anyone: one for one the Jedi would obviously batter anyone they came up against.

Apollo Vs Solo: Both are quick on the draw, but Apollo's Laser packs about twice the punch of Solo's DL-44 as its designed to blow holes in laser repelling reflective armour. So whereas Apollo might survive a 'body' hit from Solo's gun, Solo would be unlikely to survive a 'body' hit from Apollo's. And were they unarmed Apollo would obviously slap Solo around like a red headed step child! Outcome: Apollo Wins.

Starbuck Vs Solo: You just know Starbuck's 'Solo' only more so. So Starbuck would win.

You can't really do the Luke versus thing, cos pre jedi training, he's a pussy, post training he's a fraking jedi!!

Colonel Tigh Vs Governor Tarkin: Colonel Tigh takes his power walker off of him and beats him to death with it.

Boomer Vs JaJa Binks: Mesarr in some biiiggggg trouble now. Boomer wins

Jolly Vs Chewbacca: in the first grapple Chewbacca rips Jollly's shirt off and is so intimidated by Jolly's abnormally hairy back that he drops his guard and Jolly flattens him with a clothsline then finishes him with a mighty 'colonial elbow'.

Muffit Vs Wicket: Muffit gets an Ewok skin rug for his daggit bed.

DeathStar Vs Ravershall Pulsar: Pulsar has longer range (and recharges quicker)
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