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Old October 11th, 2005, 02:50 PM   #92
Shuttle Pilot
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Originally Posted by Damocles
1. Foundations of buildings.
Not if an asteroid impact did the killing, leaving nothing but a crater and destroyed it all.

2. Mines and their tailings.
Mines can collapse and disappear. Besides, perhaps they didn't have mines, not the way we do them.

3. Cities.
Whatever catastrophe would have wiped out an advanced civillization would be devastating. More than enough to destroy cities - or submerge them. End of the Ice Age, water levels rose 120 meters, most cities of ours are near water; they'd all be under water, and probably most of it utterly destroyed. There are quite a few sites around the world under water that people have identified as artificial.

4. Roads and railroads.
Long gone; the little bits remaining we wouldn't recognise.

5. Artifacts.(Yes; actual helicopter parts- some of those plastics and ceranics are vitually indestructable by any local natural process short of heat- and you would recognize the slag as manmade.)
We didn't always use plastics and ceramics, no reason why they would have used them, or would have used destrcuctable ones. There's always the heat of lava and volcanic eruptions.

6. Their environmental pollution.
Who says they made any? Ever consider the possiblity they were wiser than us, and looked for clean technology? Or perhaps they did pollute, but cleaned up as it started to become unbearable.

7. Word of mouth/legends.
PLENTY of them around, Atlantis the most famous.

7. And if they were our equals?

Nope, would have decayed and burned up in Earth's atmosphere a long time ago. And of course, that is assuming the even if there WERE satillites in orbit, NASA and the governments would have made it public.

After all we dig up trilobites, don't we?
Ah, yes, but those died and packed and were preserved in special conditions and didn't get wiped out by the first following desaster, stored hidden way under many, many, many layers of rock and ground...

Kinda like there are thse many, many, many, many layers of Ice on Antartica. If the civilliastion was located there - we'd find nothing now, nothing at all, not until we burn through all that ice and burn around on the dirt of the continent itself.
"I've got something to say; it's better to burn out, than to fade away."

"Gimme some sugar, baby."

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