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Old October 4th, 2005, 06:15 PM   #14
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Join Date: Sep 2005
Location: Tempe Az
Posts: 384


ABBA is cool, I like some of their stuff, then again, I like Enya too. So I guess theres that. I have even listenned to some great Opera, but to understand French is a must for GOOD opera. And I do like Toby Keith and Clint Black. I like Tim McGraw, that song "Dont take the girl" makes me cry every time. Its good to have an open mind and be willing to take time to listen and learn about the things we might be raised to believe are bad. My daddy hated country, but I listenned to it and found stuff that he eventually liked, and now he likes it too. Same with disco. I still listen to ELO and BeeGees, though not often. In fact my ELO Discovery CD got melted last month and Im still looking for a replacement.
I also like European bands, After The Fire, and Falco, to name a couple.
I have this one double CD set its called Chess, its a rock opera about "cleverly enough" chess! its an oper about a series of games between an American and a Russian, and the drama and love triangles that ensue. Its very good, if you can find it give it a good home. it does have that song, by Herbie Hancock, or maybe Murry head, "One Night In Bangcock".
Also, if you like interesting new stuff, Criss Angel, the magician, is a musician as well, and he has at least four albums, I have Mind Freak, System 1, 2, and 3. Its great stuff. Google him if your interested.
I also like bagpipe music, I learned to play a little pipe while at a Ren' fair, the had a drum and pipe group and my gf dared me to ask them if I could "blow his pipe" LOL and I did. He was very nice about it, he showed me how to hold the bag, and how to arrange the pipes and everything, it was a joke that turned into an excellent lesson in "piping" which I followed up on for several months. I had to use what they call a compressor though, not enough wind in my little lungs to keep that bag inflated.
I also like some Japanese music, but my Japanese is EXTREEMLY limited. As a result, they could be singing "Go kill the white chic" and Id be dancing along happily never knowing it. HAHHA
About the only thing I dont care for is rap, only because it seems to violent and aggressive, and Im not looking to fight when Im dancing, I want to enjoy that time not get upset and angry. Oh and mariachi music, hate it. Sounds like spanish polka to me, and all sounds the same. I guess if I understood spanish, it might be more interesting, but I dont so it doesnt.

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