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Old October 1st, 2005, 02:12 AM   #23
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decided to talk about this one.

I don't think there's anything wrong with saying Martin was from the Pegasus despite the patch. After all Eric did change Caprica to Piscera as the planet Baltar went to after the Destruction for adaptation reasons. I never noticed the patch myself and we see it real quick.

I was thinking that if I were writing the adaptation (no thanks hehe), in the gunfight with RedEye, I would take out the High Noon part where they stand facing each other ready to draw. I like old westerns but that part didn't sit well with me. I'd have Apollo get his gun after finding out that this cylon is stranded here and have it drawn already as he walks to the bar hoping to take RedEye by surprise. Not taking any chances. Lacerta and Marco, who are approaching Apollo to kill him see the drawn laser and back off with looks of surprise and fear on their faces.

RedEye is then warned by a shout from Lacerta and pulls out his gun and fires. Apollo dives for cover and several shots are fired by both, people who cleared out when seeing Apollo with his gun, duck down further behind any protection they can find. Finally Apollo gets a lucky shot to RedEye's, well... red eye. Shoots him between the eyes so to speak. Blows his head off. hey, the red eye is a target at night.

everyone cheers and the people start throwing rocks and bottles at LaCerta driving him out of town. that sets up for the Pegasus story a year later.

Apollo is still thinking of staying after this but when he accidently calls Puppis Boxey, he feels guilty that only a week earlier he made a deathbed promise to Serina that he would take care of Boxey. He says he's sorry to Vella who wanted him to stay but she then realizes that he's needed more with his own family and finally tells him her husband's fighter might have fuel.

I'd also have it that after he returns home he just dismisses all this as he ran out of fuel, landed, and searched for a refill then came back. If asked why he's recharging his gun he can say he had some target practice while searching for fuel. When Vella and Puppis are lying there looking at the stars we can have Apollo in the Celestial Dome on the Galactica also looking at the stars as he works on fixing the machines.

Another change I'd make is the barracks scene. This is the point I mentioned months ago and forgot hehe. We have Cassiopea storming into the men's room and yelling at Starbuck for keeping Boxey up and teaching him to drink and gamble. Why her? I like her alot but shouldn't this be Athena instead? She's now the kid's aunt so shouldn't she be the one coming in to get him and put him to bed? She could then smile at Starbuck like Cassie did while removing his cigar. This can explain why Starbuck asked Athena to dinner with him on the Rising Star in the next ep when he thinks he still has a chance with her.

It's also a good way to give Athena more storytime and development.

Leave the card game in. I'm not a Boxey fan but I like how he beat Starbuck for real with a full pyramid. Please don't say Boomer helped him cheat
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