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Old September 30th, 2005, 08:18 AM   #3
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Default flintstones flintstones flintstones

Always, always, always The Flintstones. In fact, if it weren't for Galactica, The Flintstones would be my all-time favorite TV series.
The Flintstones premiered in 1960, and I was born in 1961. My mother told me she watched the series when she was pregnant with me, so I blame her. I suspect I was influenced prenatally.
The Flintstones went off the air in 1966. I don't remember watching the show when it originally aired, although I had some Flintstones toys as a toddler.
And then....
In August of 1967, Cincinnati got an independent TV station--Channel 19 (now the local Fox affiliate). I remember it vividly because my sisters and I watched the channel faithfully in the for the children's programming. I started first grade that fall. Channel 19 showed The Flintstones at 6 p.m. every weekday, and I got hooked. I don't know why. It was an adult cartoon and I was only 6 years old, and I didn't come to understand many of the jokes until I was in high school. But I was obsessed. It was the first show I ever obsessed over. (Galactica didn't happen until 11 years later.)
In four decades, I have probably seen some of the episodes 200 times. I can "do" the Flintstones the way others can "do" Star Trek or Star Wars--that is, I know the show backwards, forwards and upside down.

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