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Old June 29th, 2005, 01:00 PM   #25
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Default yours mine and ours

A remake of "Yours, Mine and Ours" is due to be released in November. I suppose this is due to the popularity of the remake of "Cheaper by the Dozen."
The original 1968 film was one of my top 10 favorite childhood movies.
I have read "Cheaper by the Dozen" and "Belles on Their Toes" which were biographies of a large, real, family in the 1890s. I have also read "Who Gets the Drumstick?," the biography on which "Yours, Mine and Ours" is based.
The original theatrical versions of both "YMO" and "Cheaper" were set in the actual time periods in which they took place, and they kept all of the children's real names. The new remakes updated both stories for the 21st century, and changed all the children's names to be "trendy."
If I were a member of these families I would be really, really insulted.


P.S. I will be so glad when Hollywood gets out of the remake business. Last year I decided I am no longer seeing any movies based on comic books, old movies or TV series, and except for Revenge of the Sith, haven't seen any sequels. This means I am not seeing most of the major Hollywood films anymore.
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